District Collector Office, Amravati – Freedom Fighters Department
District Collector Office, Amravati – Freedom Fighters Department
Duty List:
- Approving and disbursing pension to state government-recognized freedom fighters and their widows. (Main Account Head: 2235 0015)
- Disbursing monthly pension to freedom fighters and their widows as per the central government scheme.
- Approving and disbursing outstanding pension arrears to freedom fighters and their widows as per state government norms.
- Processing nominations for freedom fighters and their widows.
- Approving and disbursing medical bills for freedom fighters and their widows.
- Providing financial assistance for the final rites of deceased freedom fighters and their widows.
- Approving and disbursing honorariums under Account Head 2235C 205 to individuals imprisoned during the Emergency period (1975-77) for fighting in defense of democracy.
- Allocating funds for the maintenance and repair of martyr memorials in Amravati district under the Main Account Head 20590015.
For related government decisions, visit Maharashtra.gov.in.